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Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Soil Sampling Event April 10 – 14, 2023

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is planning a residential soil sampling event within the East Helena Superfund Site on April 10-14, 2023. Approximately 240 property owners have been notified about the sampling event and 50 properties will be selected for sampling.
Background: While the ASARCO lead smelter was operating, small specks of metals (lead and arsenic) were released into the air. These metals then landed in East Helena and on surrounding properties. More information about the East Helena Superfund Site can be found at
In the years since the original risk assessment and the 2021 Five-Year Site Review, new science has been published that has advanced our understanding of the bioavailability of lead and arsenic in soils. EPA will collect bioavailability data specific to lead and arsenic within the East Helena Superfund Site to reevaluate ability to be absorbed when accidentally swallowed, particularly by young children placing their hands or toys in their mouths. This re-evaluation will allow EPA to determine if cleanup levels need to be adjusted to remain protective of the community.
If you have questions or need more information, please contact Bridget Williams by phone/text: 406-594-8792 or email: