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Public Works

City of East Helena Public Works Department

The Public Works Department is responsible for the infrastructure throughout the City of East Helena. General functions of the East Helena Public Works Department include maintaining a safe public water supply system, a safe wastewater system, garbage collection, as well as streets and parks maintenance.

Non-emergency questions related to water, sewer, or garbage services, please call City Hall during normal business hours at (406)-227-5321.

City of East Helena emergency calls related to water, sewer or garbage services: (406)-227-5377.

East Helena Public Works

Public Works Director:
Kevin Ore

Maintenance Workers:
Colten Huckins
Shane Pursley
Scott Turner
Torrey Carpenter
Jared Cox

City of East Helena - Public Water Supply

Annual Drinking Water Quality Report {Consumer Confidence Report} (PDF)

City of East Helena - Water Master Plan (PDF)

Report describes current public water supply system & identifies needed improvements.

City of East Helena - Wastewater Master Plan (PDF)

Report describes current wastewater (sewer) system & identifies needed improvements.

Garbage Collection:
Residents & Businesses at the given locations will have their garbage picked up on the listed day:

  • East of Montana Avenue as well as those south of Highway 12 – Monday Pickup
  • Vigilante & Highland Meadows Subdivisions – Wednesday Pickup
  • West of Montana Avenue  – Thursday Pickup

Please remember to have your garbage containers placed near the street pavement, with lids closed, early on or before your pickup day. If you have multiple cans, please space them at least six feet apart.

Garbage must be bagged before placing in the garbage container. Loose garbage causes litter when dumping the container, especially during high winds.

Thank you for following these simple instructions, please call City Hall during business hours with any questions: 406-227-5321

Garbage Ordinance

City of East Helena Garbage Ordinance (PDF).

Public Works Forms

Click or tap the icon to open the form in PDF format.

Valley View Landfill Form

Form for residents to haul to Tri-County land fill. Submit to Administration Department.

Right-of-Way Petition

Form for requesting to establish, alter, or abandon a City right-of-way.

On-Street Angle Parking Request Form

Form for residents to request on-street angle parking.

Road Approach Permit

Form for requesting new approach onto City street, roadway, or public right-of-way. Also used for new or replacement culverts and drainage improvements.

Public Works Documents

Click or tap the icon to open the document in PDF format.

2024 Engineering Standards

Design and construction standards for the City of East Helena.

Annual Drinking Water Report

Latest Montana DEQ Consumer Confidence Report (CCR)

Extension of Services Plan

A policy document that outlines the requirements for the extension and provision of City services and utilities.

Wastewater Master Plan

Document that evaluates the City's existing wastewater (sewer) system and provides recommended improvements.

Capital Improvements Plan

2017 Improvements Plan that is reviewed and updated during annual budget meetings.

Water Master Plan

Document that evaluates the City's existing public water system and provides recommended improvements.

Water and Wastewater Utility Development Fees

The City of East Helena has adopted development fees for both water and sewer. These fees apply to anyone making a new connection to either of these utilities.

Public Works Documents 

Click or tap the icon to open the document in PDF format.

Montana Ave/Valley Drive PER

Montana Avenue/Valley Drive PER & Corridor Study - Final Report November 2019.

Current Projects

McClellan Transmission Main

Replacing this main with 16-inch diameter main will enable the Wylie Wells to fill the McClellan Tank and better utilize the City’s McClellan water source.

Pacific Street

Both the water and sewer mains on Pacific Street between Helena Avenue and Thurman Avenue reached the end of their design life and were replaced. New sidewalks were constructed on both sides of the street.

Well Improvements

Improvements include new well buildings and pumps and a pedestrian bridge over Prickly Pear Creek.

Wastewater Improvements

The project includes upgrades at the City’s Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). Improvements include a new mechanical screen, grit removal system, and rehab of the existing screw pumps.

Water System Improvements

The city of East Helena is working on two water storage tanks with a single one-million-gallon water tank.

* The City’s Wastewater Treatment Facility, located on Plant Road, can be toured by groups or individuals. If you are interested, please contact City Hall to schedule a time.

Public Works

Non-emergency questions related to water, sewer, or garbage services, please call City Hall during normal business hours at (406)-227-5321.

City of East Helena emergency calls related to water, sewer or garbage services: (406)-227-5377.